
The EU Green Deal Strategy defined tackling climate and environmental-related challenges as ‘’this generation’s” defining task. Following the example set by the EU-Turkey recently ratified the Paris Agreement and announced net zero emission targets by 2053, which is an important step towards combating climate change. The Mediterranean region is characterised by water scarcity, irregular rainfall, and unbalanced population distribution. Climate change related natural disasters such as floods and droughts, storms, heatwaves, and forest fires and future global warming projections (2ºC) forecast an alarming summer precipitation evolution (-10/-30%) threatening water availability (-2/-15%) and agricultural productivity (-12/- 40%). Being agriculture the largest user of water (70-90%), by 2050, food imbalance in the Mediterranean regions could reach 60%. More frequent extreme climatic events may potentially halve agricultural production by 2100, hence water resources, agricultural sectors and food security are expected to become more vulnerable in the near future.

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