our work
City air quality case study

This case study focuses on addressing low levels of air quality in Kocaeli, Turkey by measuring and modeling air pollution concentration levels. The goal is to improve public awareness of environmental aspects and create an equitable air quality management framework. The case study uses low-cost air quality and road traffic monitoring systems to map street-level air quality, with end users including almost 400,000 citizens living in the district of Gebze. Linked authorities include local municipalities, the local and regional government, and the Ministry of Environment Urbanization and Climate Change. The research to be developed includes the calibration/validation of sensors, building a sensor network, collection and assessment of data, and communication/visualization of results. Involved partners include UNIVPM/Air Pollution Modelling Lab and TUBITAK MRC. The case study is expected to reduce exposure to air pollution, improve understanding of pollutant dispersion, and increase knowledge on the performance assessment of low-cost systems for air quality monitoring and their integration with other smart city solutions or real-time city management activities. It will also add value to the creation of preventive measures and practices for improving air quality in Kocaeli and potentially other cities facing similar challenges.