
Spected Impacts
The expected impacts of the SMART4ENV project are diverse and significant, ranging from improvements in environmental quality and public health to the development of a sustainable and innovative SES industry. The project aims to increase the pace of technology transition and support a significant impact on the regional economy within the next decade. It is expected to contribute to the profitability of regional companies through new product development, process improvements, and innovation support. Moreover, SMART4ENV will increase labor market participation, thanks to job creation and new opportunities for young highly motivated individuals. The knowledge generated by the project is expected to have a significant impact on both Turkey and Europe, resulting in amplified research excellence and a more sustainable future.

The SMART4ENV project aims to achieve several outcomes that will have a significant impact on research and innovation capacities, collaboration and alliances, funding acquisition, and international recognition of the research conducted. By generating new interdisciplinary streams and more exchange of knowledge, the project anticipates a 20% increase in researchers publishing papers, 15% more publications in peer-reviewed journals, and a 20% increase in documents for research proposals. The project also seeks to enhance strategic collaboration with linked stakeholders, value chains, and participation in international events to increase the visibility and reputation of SES experts, resulting in a 15% increase in citation of research results and higher positioning in international rankings. With strengthened fund-raising capabilities, including three new skilled management support staff and five new collaborative projects, SMART4ENV anticipates a 10% increase in international and 15% in national competitive funding. The project will also aim to mobilize researchers to reduce brain-drain and increase brain-gain of Turkish SES experts, resulting in an improved balance of brain drain/gain.

D&E&C Measures
The SMART4ENV project has devised a comprehensive plan for the dissemination, communication, and exploitation of its research results. The project has identified several measures to ensure the widespread dissemination of knowledge and information about the project’s outcomes. The measures include publishing 15 articles in high-impact peer-reviewed journals, conducting four SES workshops, and producing three modules of online training to be capitalized through webinar sessions. Additionally, SMART4ENV plans to present six oral presentations at international conferences, six international info days, and six poster presentations. Furthermore, the project will organize four summer schools, produce 15 documents for research proposals, and create one official project website to disseminate information to a broad audience. The project aims to achieve significant outcomes from these measures, including an increase in the publication of papers by 20%, a rise of 15% in publications in peer-reviewed journals, and an increase of 20% in documents for research proposals. SMART4ENV also aims to enhance strategic collaboration and alliances with other relevant stakeholders and establish stronger linkages with value chains through collaboration agreements with international R&I networks, participation in relevant international events, and hosting of information exchange meetings.

The impacts of the SMART4ENV project are expected to be significant and far-reaching. Firstly, there will be improvements in environmental quality, public health, and customer experience, as well as better mitigation and adaptation to climate change through the development of new SES for intelligent, connected, and responsive environmental services. Secondly, there will be sustainable use of water and resilient treatment systems with stable effluent quality, resulting in better water management and conservation practices. Thirdly, the knowledge generated by SMART4ENV is expected to increase the pace of technology transition and support a significant impact on the regional economy within the next decade. The project will also contribute to the development of an innovative SES industry and the profitability of regional companies through new product development, process improvements, and innovation support. Furthermore, SMART4ENV will increase labor market participation, thanks to job creation and new opportunities for highly motivated young researchers, resulting in amplified research excellence both in Turkey and in Europe. Overall, the project has the potential to create lasting positive impacts on the environment, economy, and society at large.